- What should you do once you arrive at your destination?
- Print the Arrival Declaration form from your personal Erasmus page under the section "PRE-FILLED DOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD."
- Ask the host university to complete, sign, and stamp the form.
- Later, on your personal Erasmus page, ensure to:
a. Fill in the fields pertaining to the arrival date, as indicated on the respective declaration and your travel document (e.g., boarding pass date with QR code).
b. Navigate to the "UPLOAD DOCUMENTS" section and upload both the "Arrival Declaration" and your "Travel Documents" (including the boarding pass, train ticket, etc.).
- Is it possible to change the L.A. during mobility?
Yes, in order to change or add exams, you must fill out the "Change Form" on your personal Erasmus page, "ONLINE PROCEDURES" section, which is available only after the Arrival Declaration has been registered.
Most European universities have integrated the digital approval of the L.A. (Online Learning Agreement, OLA) into their systems. If the host university is among these, the approval of the Change Form will be carried out digitally.
Otherwise, once the Change Form is approved by the RAM, the following steps must be taken:- Download and print it;
- Have it signed and stamped by the host university;
- Upload it in the “UPLOAD DOCUMENTS” section of your personal page.
- Is it possible to extend the mobility?
Yes, an extension can be requested for educational reasons, up to one month before the end of the mobility. To do so, you can change the return date on the Sapienza Erasmus personal page and upload the extension form, which should be stamped and signed by the Faculty Erasmus Administrative Officer (RAEF) and the host university, onto the Erasmus personal page.
- Which documents are required at the end of the mobility?
- Transcript of Records (certificate of examinations taken) and/or the Statement of Research Work Performed (for thesis and PhDs);
- Certificate of attendance
Both documents must be sent directly from the hosting university to erasmuscomunicazione@uniroma1.it
We are unable to accept documents sent by students.