- If you are granted the scholarship, what procedures do you need to follow for acceptance?
Winners are required to confirm their acceptance of the assigned mobility within the next seven (7) calendar days from the assignment date. The designated location cannot be altered. The process for accepting the Erasmus scholarship involves the following steps:
- Receiving an email containing instructions for the acceptance.
- Completing the Learning Agreement, specifying the departure date and the language of course delivery at the host location. In this phase it is possible to choose the semester of departure selecting a coherent date of departure.
- Agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined in the mobility agreement (financial agreement).
All steps should be completed on the personal Erasmus page. However, the use of the mobility is in any case subject to acceptance by the foreign University.
- What is the Learning Agreement?
The document officially outlines educational activities to be conducted abroad, ensuring the recognition of credits earned through exam and thesis research. The L.A. is required to offer courses or teaching activities with the goal of achieving and recognizing between 6 and 30 ECTS (3 ECTS in the case of mobility for thesis research only).
A draft L.A. (Preliminary Training Project) should have presumably already been created during the application. The Preliminary Training Project is a necessary starting point for drafting the Learning Agreement. To finalize the drafting, it is necessary to contact the RAM, Prof. Giovanna Gianturco- The RAM has approved the L.A., how to proceed?
Most European universities have integrated the digital approval of the Learning Agreement (Online Learning Agreement, OLA) into their systems. If the host university is among them, the approval of the study plan will be processed digitally.
Once the L.A. is approved by the RAM, students need to:
Download and print the document.- Sign it with your handwritten signature.
- Ensure it is signed and stamped by the host university.
- Upload the document in the "UPLOAD DOCUMENTS" section of your personal Erasmus page.
- Are there other accomplishments to fulfil before mobility?
Yes, for example, it is necessary to sign the Financial Agreement. Information about this and other accomplishments will be communicated via email or, in all cases, it will be possible to obtain the information by consulting the general information available on your personal Erasmus page.