Top-level heading


The final exam consists in the elaboration of a written thesis, the result of mature critical elaboration, assigned by a professor on a topic agreed with the student. The thesis will be presented in front of a Dissertation Panel composed according to the regulations in force.
The thesis
The subject of the paper (thesis) is agreed between the student, in relation to his/her interests, and a professor who performs the function of supervisor.
The thesis is developed autonomously by the student; the preparation methods are agreed with the Supervisor who will provide advice and all necessary assistance. In relation to the number of credits associated with the final exam, the number of hours dedicated to the thesis should be 150, which equals 40 days of full time work. The final thesis should be between 80/100 thousand characters (including spaces, tables, figures, charts, diagrams, footnotes, etc).
The thesis can be written in Italian or English.
For more information on Thesis Layout and Logo, please visit the guidelines here:
The supervisor 
Based on the interests of the student and his/her curriculum, starting from the penultimate year of the degree programme, it is possible to contact a professor who has (courses in the master’s degree programs, and agrees to tutoring the student for his/her thesis. 
On the Degree Thesis Themes page, students can find a list of themes proposed by professors of the department.
FIRST STEP: Request and assignment of the thesis
Students have the right to have a thesis theme assigned to them up to 30 days after the official request. 
For the purpose of assigning the supervisor, all students are required to complete the assignment-request form at any time for the current academic year. Within the indicated deadlines, the information is processed and the assignment lists relating to the various graduation sessions (see table below), are published.
Note: all the students must complete the application form, whether or not they have already an assigned supervisor 
Fill out the application form: LINK
Bachelor deadlines for next graduation sessions
July 2022
October/November 2022
December 2022 / January 2023
March 2023
(next academic year)
Deadline for compilation
20 March 2022
12 July 2022
31 August 2022
Nov-Dec 2022
Confirmation of assignment
31 March 2022
17 June 2022
9 September 2022
December 2022
Infostud final exam booking window
4 April 2022 - 9 May 2022
6 June 2022 -25 July 2022
1 September 2022 - 14 October 2022
December 2022 - January 2023
Tuesday 5 July - Friday 22 July 2022
11 October 2022 -
4 November 2022
Tuesday 6 December 2022 - Friday 20 January 2023
March 2023
When the window for the assignment request is closed, the thesis committee (made up of professors of the degree programme) will verify the requests and eventually assign a supervisor to the students who do not have one already.
On the date of "Confirmation of assignment", the Committee will publish a list of the 
students and their assigned assigned supervisors;
The students must then contact the supervisors assigned to them to agree on the start of the thesis work.
Students who intend to postpone their scheduled thesis defence, will withdraw their Infostud application (Revoca) do not need to fill again the Request form for the assignment of the Supervisor (except in case they change their Supervisor). However, it remains possible to update the information in the form.
SECOND STEP: Formal submission of the graduation application on the Infostud platform and necessary requirements
Before graduating students submit the graduation application through Infostud within the booking window provided for each session, respecting the deadlines that will be published in the Graduation Calendar and Deadlines
The deadline for submitting the online application is mandatory, and exceptions cannot be requested for any reason. 
Supervisors may be very busy, so students are encouraged to contact their Supervisor in advance for all the necessary requirements. 
The student will receive the receipt of the graduation booking and/or any other communications from the Student Affairs Office or the Supervisor at their uniroma1 email address.
According to the provisions of Presidential Decree 26 October 1972, n. 642, the presentation of the application at the graduation session is subject to payment of € 32 fee, which can be downloaded from Infostud.
Students are required to pay the graduation fee at least 5 working days prior to submitting the application as foreseen by the Graduation Calendar and Deadlines, and upon reaching:
  • 96% of the total credits required for their degree programme, excluding the credits of theses (final exam) and internship.
    This means that the student cannot have more than 9 credits to take.
It is understood that all credits still missing at the time of submitting the application must be earned and on record on Infostud no later than 20 days from the start of the graduation sessions. If the credits for internships are not on record at the time of submitting the application, the student should deliver all necessary documents to the Internship Office by the same date – according to the indications provided here:  
Exclusively for the session of July, students enrolled “IN CORSO - REGULAR” must have finished all the exams of the first year and 1st semester of the second year by the end of the examination session of January/February. 
Before submitting the graduation application, students must first have the form "Dichiarazione esami da sostenere” approved, according to the instructions provided in the Graduation Calendar and Deadlines. 
The approved form must then be uploaded with the other documents when the application is submitted online. All the missing credits of the second semester of second year must be earned by the first date of June’s exam sessions.
The last useful session to graduate in the current academic year is the January session. If you are postponed to March, you will need to pay the first and second instalments of the following academic year; if you postpone to July, you will also have to pay the third instalment, and you have until the following January to graduate without having to pay again. Students enrolled in part-time mode, however, are required, in any case, to pay the fees for the entire agreed enrollment period.
Submission of the online application and acceptance of the application by your thesis supervisor (relatore)
To complete the online application, the student must enter the following information:
  • Supervisor (relatore): mandatory for all. Enter the name and surname of your supervisor
  • Co-supervisor (correlatore): do not fill in the field. 
  • Additional supervisor (relatore aggiunto): Insert only if provided. The Additional Supervisor is a Sapienza professor who has the function of supporting the Official Supervisor in assisting and guiding the graduate student during the writing of the thesis. 
  • External supervisor (relatore esterno): Insert only if provided. The External supervisor is an expert, external to Sapienza who has the function of supporting the Official Supervisor in assisting and guiding the graduate student during the writing of the thesis.
  • Graduation session: mandatory for everyone. Indicate the graduation session chosen for the dissertation (March / July / October / December-January).
  • Thesis title: mandatory for everyone. Enter the final title of the thesis.
  • Thesis subject: mandatory for everyone. Insert the subject of the thesis, which must be present in your study plan, and the related scientific disciplinary sector. The scientific sector of the subject chosen for the degree thesis must correspond to the same disciplinary scientific sector to which the Supervisor belongs.
Documents to be uploaded:
  • Valid identification document (if not already uploaded in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory for everyone
  • Health card or tax code card (if not already uploaded in your Infostud profile) - Mandatory for everyone
  • Receipt of the completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire - Mandatory for everyone
  • Upload of the degree thesis in .pdf - Mandatory for everyone by the deadline indicated on the Graduation Calendar and Deadlines
  • Form – exams to be taken- "Dichiarazione esami da sostenere” - Upload only if there are exams to complete the career
  • Form - declaration of exams taken and not recorded on Infostud “Dichiarazione esami sostenuti e non registrati su Infostud”- Upload only if all exams already taken are not regularly recorded on Infostud
  • Form for validating exams taken abroad - Upload only if the exams are not already registered regularly on Infostud
  • High school diploma (although not mandatory, it is possible to upload a scanned copy in pdf format).
THIRD STEP: Acceptance of the graduation application by the Supervisor
The application sent by the student will appear in the private area of the Supervisor's Infostud, who must accept it by the deadline for booking the graduation exam. The student will receive a confirmation email from the system (it will be the student's responsibility to check the progress of the application in their profile and in their institutional email, since without the approval of the Supervisor it will not be possible to proceed with the procedure).
For further information, please visit the Graduation Application Instructions
For any doubts relating to the graduation application, the student should visit the Student Affairs Office, located in the main campus (Città univeristaria- P.le Aldo Moro,5), Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334), or the Educational Affairs Office (address Via Salaria, 113, 00198 Roma RM -   first floor, offices  B2/B3/B4-). 
FOURTH STEP: Acceptance of the application by the Student Affairs Office
Following the approval of the Supervisor, the Student Affairs Office verifies the completeness of the application, accepts it and checks the careers of each student.
In this case an email will be sent to the student as a receipt of the acceptance of the application by the Student Affairs Office.
FIFTH STEP: Publication of the graduation calendars
Within the deadlines set by the Schedule of each session, the Thesis committee will publish the calendars relating to the sessions on the CoRiS website.
SIXTH STEP: Sending the final thesis pdf to the professors in the Dissertation Panel
Once the calendars have been published, and within the deadlines indicated, the student will have to send their final thesis via email to all members of the Dissertation panel.
SEVENTH STEP: The day of the thesis defence
The day of the thesis defence all students must arrive in the classroom indicated in the calendar. Each candidate will have to talk about their work in front of a sub-committee, composed by some members of the Dissertation Panel. If the Supervisor agrees, the candidate can prepare a presentation, and will have to bring their own computer to the discussion.
Friends and family of the candidate can only attend the proclamation ceremony after the thesis defence.
The final grade will be out of 110 and the committees have the possibility to give the grade cum laude if they unanimously agree. The minimum grade to pass is 66/110
For the final test, the Dissertation Panel express their vote out of 110 and, unanimously, can grant the candidate the highest marks with honours. The minimum mark for passing the test is sixty-six out of 110.
To the score deriving from the weighted average of the exams, the committee will add 1 point every 4 lodi the student has received during their degree.
The committee will also add:
a) 1 point if the candidate has obtained at least 12 cfu, or has undertaken research or internships in order to write their final thesis, in a foreign university
b)1 point if the student gets their degree within the number of years expected by their degree programme.
To the score deriving from the weighted average of the exams, the Dissertation Panel can add points, based on its own unquestionable judgement regarding the performance of the candidate, both in the drafting of the theses and in its presentation. Without prejudice to the full autonomy of the Dissertation Panel in this regard, however, the Department has approved some suggestions, in order to make the decisions of the various Dissertation Panels as homogeneous as possible: in the final evaluation, the Dissertation Panel may add a score that normally ranges from 0 to 6, according to the following criteria: Completeness, accuracy, and validity of your Master’s thesis; Novelty and research capacity; Quality of your presentation and discussion; Assessment of your academic career. The Dissertation Panel draws up a special report on the performance and outcome of the final exam.
For obvious reasons of safety and decorum, students are invited to celebrate the graduation in sober and dignified ways, which do not go beyond legitimate congratulations and photos, demonstrating that they have acquired, together with specific knowledge, also a sense of responsibility and of personal dignity. Therefore, celebrations in the courtyard of the Department with food and drinks, as well as noisy events that would interfere with other educational activities in progress, are therefore strictly prohibited.
Collection of the Degree certificate
Starting ten days after the conclusion of the entire graduation session, it will be possible to download the graduation certificate directly from Infostud.
After about twenty days, it will be possible to collected the degree certificate at the Student Affairs Office  , located in the main campus (Città univeristaria- P.le Aldo Moro,5), Building CU029 (the nearest entrance is Viale Regina Elena, 334. Before going to the Student Affairs Office, it is suggested to write an email to sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail) to make sure that the degree certificate it is ready.
Withdrawing the graduation application 
If for any reason the student intends to give up the discussion, he/she must communicate it as soon as possible, following the instructions given at the link Graduation Application Instructions.