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End of the mobility

How is it possible to receive the documents at the end of the mobility?

To obtain the Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Attendance, you may request them by sending an e-mail to the Erasmus office. puoi ottenerli alla fine della tua mobilità, riceverai istruzioni su come effettuare la richiesta.

What is the Transcript of Records?

The Transcript of Records is a document that records the examinations taken, workshops attended, and Italian courses completed during the mobility period.

What is the Certificate of Attendance?

The Certificate of Attendance is a document that certifies the starting and end dates of mobility. The starting date corresponds to the semester’s starting date (or otherwise in case of late arrival) and the end date corresponds to the date of when the final exam has been taken.

How are the thesis research activities certified?

The certification is done independently of the Transcript of Records and is carried out by the professor who supervised the student in those activities.